Isaiah 12:4
And you will say in that day:
“Give thanks to the LORD,
call upon his name,
make known his deeds among the peoples,
proclaim that his name is exalted. (ESV)
Sometimes finding God's will seems like an impossible thing to do. Other times it is incredibly clear where He is leading. In the times where He seems silent, this passage is incredibly helpful. Praying and giving thanks is always God's will. If you don't know what to do, you can't go wrong doing this. Be encouraged, and be faithful. He will show you what's next when it's the right time. In the mean Him.
Today I am truly thankful for my wife. 21 years ago today she said yes. It has been one adventure after another. We have lived the reality of wedding vows. There has been better and worse. There has been sickness and health. There has been plenty and need. There has been good days and bad days. There has been addition and loss. There has been no lack of opportunity to trust God and see Him glorified through our years together. We've done so much already, but it seems like we're just getting started.
I'm grateful that you are God's provision to me. You are evidence of His goodness to me. I love you. Happy Engagement Day!
For the last year I have had the privilege to spend time working as a Chaplain for an Oilfield Services Company (I have now completed the Holy Trinity of Vocational Ministry - Pastor, Missionary, Chaplain). It has been a great joy on so many levels, and I'll talk more about it down the road. Yesterday I got the kind of call you never want to get. We lost one of our brothers in a car accident. Despite the tragedy, there was huge grace surrounding his death.
Not too long ago I got to preach Psalm 23:4 at our church. It's crazy how the sermons I get to preach are the ones that I most need to hear. I'm grateful today that death is nothing more than a shadow, and it is truly something that we just pass through. I'm grateful for an identity that is more for the world to come than the world I currently wake up in. I'm thankful to know that my brother is in the presence of God - not because of fate or good works, but because of his commitment to his faith.
I'm praying for the comfort of the Shepherd's rod and staff over our Covenant Family. Here's the sermon from Psalm 23.
I love this verse so much. I need the reminder to let the peace of Christ have the forefront of my heart. I can find a million things to stress or worry about, but my instruction is to put peace at the front. Not just any peace, but the peace of Christ. It is good for me to be around others who can remind me that I can choose the piece of Christ. On top of that, Paul reminds us to "Be Thankful." Not only should we be focused on what Christ can do for us, but we also need to remember to "GIVE THANKS."
A couple of weeks ago I had the privilege of speaking at a Man Night at our church. It seemed like a good time to talk about something I learned from my friend, Norman. He always says, "The issue is not the issue...the issue is what God has said." Maybe I'll unpack that a little more later, but for today I'm grateful.
I'm grateful God saw fit for our paths to cross back in 2004, and I'm grateful for how much richer my life is because he's in it. We have a lot to learn from the generations ahead of us. We need to lean into that wisdom and make the most of what God has given us. I'm grateful we don't have go it alone. God knows what we need.
One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts. (Psalm 145:4, ESV)
A couple of weeks ago I had the privilege of spending a few hours with my Mom's cousin, Shirley. A couple of weeks before that I didn't even know Shirley existed.
Shirley is the oldest niece of my Grandfather, Quinton, who died when he was 40. Life for my mom and her sisters was complicated after their father died (since then they were quite young), and we've alway had a million questions. Come to find out, not only does Shirley have a lot of memories of my Grandfather, she has two scrapbooks full of handwritten letters.
I left that time with her with a full heart after hearing incredible stories I never thought I'd hear. Even something tragic like someone dying far too early from cancer has the potential to bring people together 50 years later. That visit inspired me and strengthened my faith in so many ways. It was an incredible experience, and the words of Romans 8 continue to echo in my head and heart.
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28, ESV)
I'm grateful to God for this incredible gift.
I spend a lot of time on airplanes these days, and I'm grateful for the day and time we live in that allows me to spend time with friends across the country and around the world taking Good News to places I never could've imagined. Even with all the travel I do, it still amazes me that I can start a day hundreds of miles away from my destination and be there in a matter of hours.
I'm thankful for the family I get to go home to, for the people who take me where I need to go and for the people God has allowed me to intersect with over the past several years.
I know this verse has little to do with flying through the literal sky, but it seemed to fit the picture.
It doesn't seem right to give thanks for what happened in Sutherland Springs yesterday. In recent years, the increase in the number of attacks on churches is representative of the rapidly changing climate in our country. 26 people were horrifically murdered with dozens more injured for the simple reason they showed up to worship Jesus. This could've been any church. This could have been anyone's children. This could have happened in any community.
I'm not grateful for any of that, but I am grateful that even when I don't know what to pray or do, God's Word provides me with instruction. I may not know what to pray, but that doesn't have to stop me from praying. I'm thankful for a God who knows what to do. He knows how to answer my prayers. He knows what I should be praying and responds as if I do.
I'm heartbroken for our brothers and sisters. May God bring comfort and healing to everyone affected. May the Church rise up. May we not cease in praying for those whose lives have been drastically changed by the evil of one deceived person.
I love the contrast in the words used in this Psalm. "My" is in there a bunch of times. Clearly David is focused on his personal needs (and wants) as he pours out his heart in this verse. The truth is we have needs. We have wants. We have struggles. We have fears. We have pains. We have uncertainties. These realities are a part of life. Some seasons give us more of these challenges than others, but these things will always be in play.
The contrast here is that even though all of these needs apply to "My," none of these needs can be satisfied by ME. The needs of ME are only satisfied and met by the sufficiency of HE. HE is the strength and the shield. He is worthy of the faith and trust I place in Him. He is my help. He is the receiver of the songs that I sing. Everything I bring to the table is because of who HE is. I am limited in what I can change. He is limitless. My faith in HIM is what allows me to experience all of these amazing things.
I am thankful for HIM. He is everything that I need. Today, if you need protection, provision, hope, strength, someone to trust, someone to be accepted by...or anything else...maybe it's time to trust Him. Believe in Him. Draw near to Him. This is available for everyone. Today, I'm giving thanks for a God who loves me, looks out for me, who has saved me, and is enough.
On Friday, we joined with a million of our closest friends for the parade celebrating our new World Series Champions. It was a crazy experience. We almost missed it. Even though we allowed three hours to get downtown, the free train ride offer overwhelmed the service. Thousands of people waited trying to get to the parade. We waited for two hours. We watched the frustration bring out the best in some people and the worst in others. We watched people who take the train every day panic because they couldn't get to work. We watched people bucking the system refuse to get off the train. We saw the lowest person on the totem pole for Metro come up with a brilliant solution. That allowed hundreds of people (including us) to make it with minutes to spare.
Once we got there, we were apart of the most diverse city in the world coming together to celebrate something bigger than ourselves. Every tribe, every tongue, every socio-economic status, men, women and children coming together as one for no other reason than to celebrate something great that happened. 20% of the greater Houston area showed up. I started to think about how much better our eternal celebration will be when all the citizens of the Kingdom come together to celebrate something that matters a whole lot more.
For many, Houston feels like exile. Most people don't choose to be here. They get assigned here and then are stuck. However, once they're here they find something special. Downtown Houston was suddenly a place where a lot of people wanted to be. I thought of this verse from Jeremiah in that sea of people. I'm thankful that Houston is our city. I'm praying for the continued blessing of our city.
This is perhaps a day late, but I really am grateful that the Astros won the World Series. I've been an Astros fan for 40ish years, and I've always wanted them to win the World Series. Now that it's happened, it's hard to describe the emotions. I'm so excited they won. It was fun to have something to cheer for as a family. It's amazing to see everyone in the city rallying around a common cause. It's crazy that as soon as World Series shirts are set out, they are sold out. Everyone wants to be a part of the action.
I'm also grateful to be reminded that as awesome as this is. It's a fleeting joy. If they're fortunate enough to win again next year, it is still a blip on the radar. It's a joy that won't last. I didn't expect that at the peak of the celebration, I would be reminded that there's so much more to life than sports. There's so many other priorities. So, I am really grateful for the World Championship. I'm excited to party with the city tomorrow. I'm also glad that I have something bigger to live for.
I missed it by one day, but October is Pastor Appreciation month. A majority of my professional life was spent as a Lead Pastor, so when we felt God calling us into a new season, finding a church was a complicated thing. Crossbridge has been a wonderful home for our family, and I am grateful for our pastor, Chuck, who faithfully preaches the Gospel every week. He's not afraid to dig into even difficult passages, and he courageously leads our church where he and the elders feel the Lord leading. He's a great example of a Godly Husband and Father, and it is a privilege to serve with him.
Today on Day 8, I am truly grateful for my Pastor. If you have a Pastor, don't assume that he knows that you're grateful for him. Take a minute, and let him know. Send him (or her) a message. Pick up a gift card. Tweet out a sermon quote. Let them know how their ministry has helped you.
If you don't have a Pastor to appreciate, maybe it's time to find a place where you can experience the joy of sitting under the teaching like Romans talks about. Those beautiful feet deliver messages to me that I like to hear, but more importantly what I need to hear. I'm grateful for you, Chuck Land!
Ironic that I'm writing this after a World Series loss from my favorite team. In defeat, there's not really anything you feel like giving thanks for. You feel low. You look for someone to blame. You look back and think about all the missed opportunities. Defeat feels terrible.
Life beats us down and challenges are ability to see things through the lens of victory. Defeats happen along the way, and we get so beat down that we see things through failures, guilt, shame, regret and/or uncertainty.
1 Corinthians says that in Jesus we have victory. We have hope. We have a future. We have redemption. We have forgiveness. Past mistakes don't have any power over us. Future bumps pale in comparison to the eternal promises of being with Him forever.
Today I'm grateful that my past hurts and failures don't define me. My faith lifts me up out of that and allows me to see myself as a son of God. He gives me the victory, and I'm thankful!
"We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you, since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love that you have for all the saints, because of the hope laid up for you in heaven. Of this you have heard before in the word of the truth, the gospel, which has come to you, as indeed in the whole world it is bearing fruit and increasing—as it also does among you, since the day you heard it and understood the grace of God in truth..." (Colossians 1:3-6, ESV)
There was a time when I never would've dreamed that I would have friends from all over the world that seem like family. I'm truly grateful that our family knows and gets to spend time with so many amazing people. Herbert and Eve, from Uganda, are visiting with us this week. It is a joy for me to see my kids come alive in a special way when they hear about all the good news work that is happening through our friends. It gives them a bigger vision for life and allows them to see things they would not otherwise see.
I'm thankful for these precious friends and for others like them.
Today I'm grateful for a great church to be a part of. It is a powerful thing to gather with other people to be encouraged by the truth of God's Word and promises. Meeting on Sundays and other times helps us move into things we would not experience on our own. It is a joy to share burdens and celebrate wins. It is good to get to know people who have come from different places and live in different worlds than you. It's amazing to see how God uses corporate gatherings to move people out into mission. The Church at its best is a truly beautiful thing.
If you're not currently a part of a church, let me encourage you to find one. There are a lot of different kinds of churches that provide great connection points for all kinds of people. Every person will not click with every church, but there is a church out there you will connect with.
If you're in the Sugar Land area, we'd love for you to join us at Crossbridge. We are grateful for the community God has given to us there, and it has been a tremendous blessing to our family. If you're in another area, we'd love to help you get connected if you'd like.
I'm thankful for our church and all of the other great churches who make themselves available to love, serve, encourage and equip people to live out the beauty of the Good News of Jesus.
I'm grateful today for the seasons in our life where we have had the privilege of seeing the Lord's provision. When the problems in our adoption process created an additional $20k, we watched the exact amount of money needed come in over a very short period of time. We've been blessed by the opportunity to live in places that were clearly prepared for us by God's grace and perfect timing. We've had vehicles given to us. We've had medical bills paid. We've seen work or jobs come in at just the right time. We've seen miracles be a reality. Not once. Not twice. Not three times. In fact, as I look back, it's more times than I can count.
In all of those times, though, faith and humility were pre-cursors to seeing the Lord come through. It is always a better story when we allow God to demonstrate the depths of His riches than when we manufacture a similar result. He is a good Father who loves to provide for His children.
I love in this verse that "EVERY" is included. He will supply everything you need - not just money, not just a place to live, not just things you need, but everything. He provides people. He provides perspective. He provides callings. He provides gifting. He provides seasons. It can be hard sometimes when you feel like the provision isn't there, and we've been there. But, there's yet to be a time when those times didn't end in something better than we ever could have come up with on our own.
I also love the word riches. We don't have to fantasize about a rich distant relative who might secretly leave us millions of dollars that will solve all of our problems. We have a generous heavenly Father who is already rich. Completely rich. He has everything, and through Jesus, we are heirs to not just His financial fortune, but also His spiritual fortune - His eternal fortune - His relational fortune - all of His glorious riches. He is everything we need, has everything we need, and lovingly gives everything we need.
Today, I'm grateful for that.
I love the simplicity of this verse. Sometimes we make finding God's will into this big mysterious quest. There are seasons where God leads us into the unknown and asks us to trust Him as we make big risks. Sometimes finding the will of God seems like a cosmic treasure hunt. However, sometimes knowing and doing the will of God is as simple as giving thanks. If you're struggling with whether or not you're in God's will, start here. Give thanks in all circumstances. In a rough spot? Find something to be thankful for. On top of the world? Don't take it for granted...give thanks. When you do, you'll be doing God's will.
Today I'm thankful for my family. I'm thankful for something like baseball that gives us special memories. I'm thankful for ups and downs, good times and hard times, and for the stories that lie ahead.
I'm also thankful for the Astros being in the World Series, too, but that's probably for a different post.
Today I am grateful for the reminder of the goodness of God. He is good, and He does good. Even when I can't see every detail of what He's doing, I can trust in His goodness. On top of that, I can remember that His goodness is motivated by His love, and that love endures literally forever. There is no end. The secret of enduring is believing in the reality of the never-ending love of our God who is constantly acting out of His goodness and grace.
For those in a season where it's hard to see His goodness and you're questioning His steadfast love, giving thanks for it might be difficult. Not too long ago when I was in a similar place, I felt compelled to give thanks as if the season was over. It was life-altering. I can choose to believe that no matter where I am or what I am going through that God is working all things together for good. He has my best interest in mind, and I can always trust Him. I can dream ahead to the time where I know my mind, heart, emotions and circumstances will make it easier to see the fruit of His presence. I don't have to wait. I can give thanks now.
For that, on day 2, I am truly grateful.