Crossbridge Church

30 Days of Thanks - Day 8


I missed it by one day, but October is Pastor Appreciation month. A majority of my professional life was spent as a Lead Pastor, so when we felt God calling us into a new season, finding a church was a complicated thing. Crossbridge has been a wonderful home for our family, and I am grateful for our pastor, Chuck, who faithfully preaches the Gospel every week. He's not afraid to dig into even difficult passages, and he courageously leads our church where he and the elders feel the Lord leading. He's a great example of a Godly Husband and Father, and it is a privilege to serve with him.

Today on Day 8, I am truly grateful for my Pastor. If you have a Pastor, don't assume that he knows that you're grateful for him. Take a minute, and let him know. Send him (or her) a message. Pick up a gift card. Tweet out a sermon quote. Let them know how their ministry has helped you.

If you don't have a Pastor to appreciate, maybe it's time to find a place where you can experience the joy of sitting under the teaching like Romans talks about. Those beautiful feet deliver messages to me that I like to hear, but more importantly what I need to hear. I'm grateful for you, Chuck Land!

Love Your Enemies

Love your enemies2

Love your enemies2

Last Sunday, I had the privilege of preaching the sermon "Love Your Enemies" as a part of a series called "Shocked" at our home church. I got to work through Jesus' words from Luke 8 about the very real instruction to love our enemies. The current climate in our world provides many real opportunities to put these words into action. "Love Your Enemies" isn't a suggestion. It's not an ideal. It's a commandment. Whether our enemies are religious extremists or a gossiping co-worker, the words of Jesus are helpful. For some, you experience the reality of enemies in your home or maybe on your street. The matter is not if we will have enemies. The issue is how we will apply what Jesus has taught us about our enemies.

Here's the video of the sermon:

Or if you'd rather have audio, click here:













