After 18 years of student ministry and church planting, we stepped out into the world of mission. I am currently the CEO of the USA office of Links International. While Links USA has been around as an organization since the mid 90's, I am the first CEO. Our work at Links functions on different levels. We facilitate educational and empowering initiatives focused on poverty alleviation and relief. We work with churches to help them engage in healthy and sustainable international mission. We work with Kingdom-minded business leaders to develop a direct impact between business and mission. We also serve missionaries by managing financial accounts and providing care and support for those on the front line.
We spend a lot of time networking both home and around the world to stay on the front edge of sustainable and holistic mission.
If international mission is something you are interested in, we can help you in many different ways. We can help you incorporate mission into your every day life rhythm, we can help you position for long-term work in the nations, and we can work with everything in between.