Isaiah 12:4
And you will say in that day:
“Give thanks to the LORD,
call upon his name,
make known his deeds among the peoples,
proclaim that his name is exalted. (ESV)
Sometimes finding God's will seems like an impossible thing to do. Other times it is incredibly clear where He is leading. In the times where He seems silent, this passage is incredibly helpful. Praying and giving thanks is always God's will. If you don't know what to do, you can't go wrong doing this. Be encouraged, and be faithful. He will show you what's next when it's the right time. In the mean Him.
I missed it by one day, but October is Pastor Appreciation month. A majority of my professional life was spent as a Lead Pastor, so when we felt God calling us into a new season, finding a church was a complicated thing. Crossbridge has been a wonderful home for our family, and I am grateful for our pastor, Chuck, who faithfully preaches the Gospel every week. He's not afraid to dig into even difficult passages, and he courageously leads our church where he and the elders feel the Lord leading. He's a great example of a Godly Husband and Father, and it is a privilege to serve with him.
Today on Day 8, I am truly grateful for my Pastor. If you have a Pastor, don't assume that he knows that you're grateful for him. Take a minute, and let him know. Send him (or her) a message. Pick up a gift card. Tweet out a sermon quote. Let them know how their ministry has helped you.
If you don't have a Pastor to appreciate, maybe it's time to find a place where you can experience the joy of sitting under the teaching like Romans talks about. Those beautiful feet deliver messages to me that I like to hear, but more importantly what I need to hear. I'm grateful for you, Chuck Land!
Ironic that I'm writing this after a World Series loss from my favorite team. In defeat, there's not really anything you feel like giving thanks for. You feel low. You look for someone to blame. You look back and think about all the missed opportunities. Defeat feels terrible.
Life beats us down and challenges are ability to see things through the lens of victory. Defeats happen along the way, and we get so beat down that we see things through failures, guilt, shame, regret and/or uncertainty.
1 Corinthians says that in Jesus we have victory. We have hope. We have a future. We have redemption. We have forgiveness. Past mistakes don't have any power over us. Future bumps pale in comparison to the eternal promises of being with Him forever.
Today I'm grateful that my past hurts and failures don't define me. My faith lifts me up out of that and allows me to see myself as a son of God. He gives me the victory, and I'm thankful!
I love the simplicity of this verse. Sometimes we make finding God's will into this big mysterious quest. There are seasons where God leads us into the unknown and asks us to trust Him as we make big risks. Sometimes finding the will of God seems like a cosmic treasure hunt. However, sometimes knowing and doing the will of God is as simple as giving thanks. If you're struggling with whether or not you're in God's will, start here. Give thanks in all circumstances. In a rough spot? Find something to be thankful for. On top of the world? Don't take it for granted...give thanks. When you do, you'll be doing God's will.
Today I'm thankful for my family. I'm thankful for something like baseball that gives us special memories. I'm thankful for ups and downs, good times and hard times, and for the stories that lie ahead.
I'm also thankful for the Astros being in the World Series, too, but that's probably for a different post.
Earlier this year I spent a month going straight through the book of Proverbs and invited other people to journey with me. It was a rich time as people from all over took time to concentrate on wisdom. For me, the month of focus was good for my soul. I've wanted to do another 30(ish) day focus again for a while, and I've decided to use Thanksgiving as the opportunity.