While on our annual pilgrimage to the UK to spend time with our #linksfamily, we were watching the tele when reports of the Manchester bombing at the Ariana Grande concert started rolling in. There was pretty much non-stop coverage for the next several days, and the news was and still is heartbreaking. To make matters worse, there have been more attacks since we've been home.
Not Broken Yet
I was recently reading a story about a potter who was forming a piece. The story says that something happened and the piece was spoiled. However, even though he set out with one thing in mind, he didn’t give up on the piece. Instead, he kept the wheel spinning and managed to work the project into something new.
Contagious Obedience
Forty, Portly and Dying
I turned 41 this week. I’ve never been so glad to say so long to a year (good-bye 40!). We’ve had more than our fair share of trials and challenges the past few years, and I know many of you can relate. Turning 40 was the icing on a terrible cake that marked the beginning of a physical reality that has been brutal! If 30 is flirty and thriving (probably more so for the ladies?), then 40 for me was portly and (felt-like) dying.
Un-happy Holidays?
Love Your Enemies
Love your enemies2
Last Sunday, I had the privilege of preaching the sermon "Love Your Enemies" as a part of a series called "Shocked" at our home church. I got to work through Jesus' words from Luke 8 about the very real instruction to love our enemies. The current climate in our world provides many real opportunities to put these words into action. "Love Your Enemies" isn't a suggestion. It's not an ideal. It's a commandment. Whether our enemies are religious extremists or a gossiping co-worker, the words of Jesus are helpful. For some, you experience the reality of enemies in your home or maybe on your street. The matter is not if we will have enemies. The issue is how we will apply what Jesus has taught us about our enemies.
Here's the video of the sermon: http://subsplash.com/crossbridge/v/db9ee42
Or if you'd rather have audio, click here: https://soundcloud.com/user-6883072/love-your-enemies