Psalm 145

30 Days of Thanks - Day 15

A couple of weeks ago I had the privilege of speaking at a Man Night at our church. It seemed like a good time to talk about something I learned from my friend, Norman. He always says, "The issue is not the issue...the issue is what God has said." Maybe I'll unpack that a little more later, but for today I'm grateful.

I'm grateful God saw fit for our paths to cross back in 2004, and I'm grateful for how much richer my life is because he's in it. We have a lot to learn from the generations ahead of us. We need to lean into that wisdom and make the most of what God has given us. I'm grateful we don't have go it alone. God knows what we need.

One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts. (Psalm 145:4, ESV)