30 Days of Thanks - Day 1


There are three things I find here to give thanks for on Day 1.

  1. to the LORD - it is no small thing to remember what a privilege it is to have a God that invites us to come to Him. We don't empty ourselves. We don't visit a tomb. We interact with a living God who delights in the prayers of His people. He fills us. He satisfies us. He is enough for us. I'm grateful for a God who wants to hear from me.

  2. Call upon His Name - This reminds us to not only think about Him or just think about being grateful, but it reminds us to say it. Speak it out loud. Call upon His name. Give thanks to Him. Speaking out loud is a declaration of faith. Let your thanks be audible.

  3. Tell Somebody - Giving thanks is rare in our day. Complaining is in. Thanks is out. Letting others see our expressions of thanksgiving is probably letting someone see something they're not very good at. Your attitude of thanks will most likely have a positive impact on the people around you. Wherever you are, look for the opportunities to make known His deeds. You are valuable and positioned for impact.

Father, thank you. Thank you that you are there. Thank you that you invite me to call upon you. Forgive me for taking you for granted and for not speaking like you are there. Increase my faith. May my prayers be filled with expectation. Keep me in the protection of your good, pleasing and perfect will. And let my faith impact other people. May my faithfulness produce opportunities to make you known in all the earth. Thank you. I'm grateful for you. -Amen