My Mission Trip

Holly and I have been involved in the USA office of Links International for about 5 years.  In the last year, we have taken a bigger role in the organization to expand the work of the USA office.  Links UK has been around for over 30 years and has a long history of sustainable mission work that has occurred in partnerships with people in over 60 countries.  Links makes serving the poor and making a difference in the world an attainable goal.

Last December I took my first trip to Africa, and there are no words to describe my time there.  One of the things I had an opportunity to do was to train and encourage church and community leaders.  The time spent with those leaders resulted in an invitation to Zimbabwe where I have been asked to come and see how Links can partner in that region to address needs of business/community development.  I have also been asked to take part in a conference that will develop leaders who are currently leading businesses in the region. Starting businesses is one of the most effective ways for families to escape poverty.  All over the world, principles that Links teaches have rescued people from extreme poverty.  The opportunity to invest in a new region is very exciting.

On the way to Zimbabwe, I will spend some time in the UK office where I will take part in a Day for business leaders in the UK.  We love to partner with business people to connect them with people on the ground who can affect the changes they would like to see in the world.  I will be working alongside team members in the UK to serve business leaders.   I will also spend some time with church leaders and the Links staff and board to strengthen the relationship between the UK and the USA office.

As Links USA is young and developing, we don't have deep reserves of cash sitting around waiting to be spent.  I would like to ask you to consider investing into this trip and to be a part of walking families out of poverty and into provision.  The airfare alone for this trip is just under $3,000, and there will be another $500-$1,000 of travel expenses.  Would you consider partnering with me to be a part of changing the lives of some of the people of Zimbabwe?  Would you be a part of helping businesses engage with missions?  More than anything, would you join me in praying that we would have what we need to continue to be available to those who invite us to help?

Please let me know if you have any questions about this trip or anything else that Links does to change lives and transform communities.

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